Perfect Body Lotion, Perfect Skin


Let's be honest, we all want beautiful, soft, radiant and youthful skin. That's what body lotion do for our skin. But a lot products in market nowadays make us difficult to choose what's best for us.
Therefore in this post I am giving you best options for you to choose. I hope it helps šŸ’•

Imperial Leather Body Lotion
Those body lotions variants from Imperial Leather are very great products and I recommend. I literally have tried all the products and it works really well on my skin. I applied it all over my body after I shower and before I go to bed. The result? I love it!

I have dry skin. Imperial Leather Body Lotion really helps to hold in hydration.
And yes it smells good also! I love these 4 scented body lotion.

It claims "24 moisture shield technology, moisturizing for 24 hours". Wow! I really need this!

White Princess
Imperial Leather Body Lotion - White Princess
It says "For beautifully glowing and radiant with white lily and Vitamin B3" at the front of body lotion bottle. This body lotion really helps to brighten your skin. It has UVA and UVB Protection. It absorbs quickly on your skin. Leave your skin smelling heavenly all day long. It's rich moisturizing and it's good for dry skin.

Softly Softly
Imperial Leather Body Lotion - Softly Softly
It's suitable for daily use because the scent is not too much. It says "For beautifully soft, smooth skin with rose tea and hydrolyzed milk protein."
If you have very dry skin, I recommend you this body lotion. It soften and smooth your skin. I like the kinda "romantic" smell of this lotion since It's with rose tea which is it will give you relaxing and calming scent. If you have date night use this body lotion. The scent wont bother your perfume!

Perfume Heaven
Imperial Leather Body Lotion - Perfume Heaven
It claims "for beautifully youth radiant skin with Monoi Oil and Vitamin E."
At the first I am asking my self, what is Monoi Oil? I've never heard ( well I never actually read the ingredients from any beauty products, I just skipped them, my bad šŸ˜ )
So from, I've found out that
"MonoĆÆ oil is an infused perfume-oil made from soaking the petals of Tahitian gardenias (best known as TiarĆ© flowers) in coconut oil. MonoĆÆ (pronounced Mah-noy) is a Tahitian word meaning "scented oil" in the Reo-Maohi language. MonoĆÆ is widely used among French Polynesians as a skin and hair softener. It is also popular in Europe and gaining recognition in the United States" .

This body lotion is nourishing and helps keep skin beautifully radiant and youthful. And yes since it says "Perfume Heaven" this body lotion is sooo fragrant! Well  actually use this product when I have occasion going on or to attend. It smells divine. The scent lasts all day so I usually use not so intensed perfume when I use this body lotion.

Aqua Fresh
Imperial Leather Body Lotion - Aqua Fresh
Ladies, if you need something to treat your skin well every morning this lotion is could be the answer. Best one. Why? Because it's so refreshing the skin.
It claims "For beautifully fresh and glowing skin with sea minerals and Vitamin E". As we know sea minerals and Vitamin E are often we find in beauty products and they are really good for our skin. Sea mineral usually used to help provide your skin supple and healthy.
The body lotion is light refreshing moisturizer that easily penetrates into the skin. Leaves your skin beautifully fresh and glowing. I can feel based on my experience of course, this body lotion leaves softer and hydrate more my skin.
It's suitable for all skin type.

All Imperial Leather Body Lotion is dermatologically tested and quickly absorbed.

I love the texture of the body lotions. It's not greasy. And not sticky! All 4 scents are great too. You can choose whatever you like but I like them all. So I bought these 4.
Love the texture!
Okay guys thanks for reading my post. And don't forget to apply your Imperial Leather Body Lotion favourite before you head out the door. It will protect and smooth your skin. Let's enjoy the luxurious skin moisturisation experience from Imperial Leather Body Lotion. No more dry skin!

Loving it!
You can find the products in every drug stores or supermarket. It's not pricey. I bought it around
Idr 23 000. You can find it lower or more prices based on where you buy the product.

See you on my next post!


  1. Bisa menyamarkan bekas luka kah?

    1. Based on my experience, It's not that reducing visible scarring. But maybe for long term used, it's possibly helping your skin brightens and reduce scar appearance.

  2. I wonder if this lotion is suitable for man.

  3. udah kebayang seberapa nikmatnya wangi dia :)

    1. Banget!
      Thank you udah mampir. I love your blog as well! Keep inspiring!

  4. Sabun mandi ini memang wangi banget, aku pernah coba .. harga per botol nya juga cukup terjangkau

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