Shower Routine with The Body Shop Spa Of The WorldTM
Dear all
After a long night sleeping, you wake up in the morning, you head into the shower, and starting your day. When I m in the shower, I'd like to use scented body wash. Why? Because just helping me to relax and get ready for the day.
That's why I need these very relaxing body wash for The Body Shop, Spa Of The World TM range, which is Adriatic Peony body wash and I also bought Balkan Juniper body wash for stock ( don't blame me, it was sale season ) 😍
Spa of the World™ Adriatic Peony Body Wash
And yes, after I use this after the shower leaving my skin so soft and so clean. The fragrance, the flower scent really giving relaxing effect, it's shooting, can help relieve stress and I just use it a little and it's enough for the whole body. It's little foam but it's really smooth.
After the shower, I complete my ritual with body cream whichcalso the collection of Spa of the World™. You can read it here 😊
Spa of the World™ Balkan Juniper Body Wash
From their website also, we come to know that this body wash
I tried to use it once to give a review and I found out that the body wash is thick, smells good and keeps my body fresh longer. I think it's good for the holiday season because we often go to the beach and this body wash will give you a good accompany.
After a long night sleeping, you wake up in the morning, you head into the shower, and starting your day. When I m in the shower, I'd like to use scented body wash. Why? Because just helping me to relax and get ready for the day.
That's why I need these very relaxing body wash for The Body Shop, Spa Of The World TM range, which is Adriatic Peony body wash and I also bought Balkan Juniper body wash for stock ( don't blame me, it was sale season ) 😍
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The Body Shop Spa of the World™ |
Spa of the World™ Adriatic Peony Body Wash
From their website It says
pure peace and feel soothed with our relaxing bath and shower cream.
Enriched with the extract of delicate peony flowers from the Adriatic,
which are often depicted as a symbol of peace, this velvety and floral,
soap-free formula envelops your skin in softness.
- Luxuriously velvety bath and shower cream
- Infused with peony extract from the Adriatic
- Enriched with Community Trade honey from Ethiopia
- Use as part of our Spa of the World™ Relaxing Ritual "
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Adriatic Peony and Balkan Juniper Body Wash |
After the shower, I complete my ritual with body cream whichcalso the collection of Spa of the World™. You can read it here 😊
Spa of the World™ Balkan Juniper Body Wash
From their website also, we come to know that this body wash
"Empower and
embolden your mind and body when you lather up with our firming bath
and shower gel. Inspired by purifying Russian Banya spa rituals and
enriched with uplifting juniper oil from the Balkans, this fruity,
soap-free formula envelops your skin in freshness.
- Luxuriously textured bath and shower gel
- Infused with juniper fruit oil from the Balkans
- Enriched with Community Trade Honey from Ethiopia. "
I tried to use it once to give a review and I found out that the body wash is thick, smells good and keeps my body fresh longer. I think it's good for the holiday season because we often go to the beach and this body wash will give you a good accompany.
**See you on my next post all. Stay fabs**
Dari kemarin eyeing 2 body shop ini, tunggu diskon akhir tahun lah.. wkwkwk Aku suka yg woody & spicy sih, Lan.. seger emang..
ReplyDeletelanjut beli nan
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ReplyDeleteWahhh jadi kepengen beli T.T
ReplyDeleteApa mbk beda spa dan lulur? Jadi bingung ehee
Hmm singkatnya gini kali ya lulur baik bentuknya bubuk, krim, kocok atau cair atau bahkan skrg udah ada yang seperti sabun mandi itu biasanya merupakan berasal dr resep2 tradisiona; dan fungsinya utk exfoliate kulit sampai mencerahkan kulit. Sementara kalau SPA perawatan yang membuat kita lebih rileks buat kesehatan dan kulit juga sangat bagus. Lebih kurang silahkan murni google lagi hahahahah
DeleteBelakangan ini aku kok tertarik banget sama The Body Shop, selama aku hidup belum pernah cobain produknya��. Aku penasaran sama skincare line nya sih
ReplyDeleteIya silahkan lanjut cobain :)
ReplyDeletesyudah berhasil
DeleteSetelah lelah seharian emang mandi menjadi saat memanjakan diri oaling baik ya, Mbak. Makanya ngga jarang orang mandi bisa sampai satu jam. Apalagi dengan aroma refrrshing dari sabun yang digunakan, duhhduhhhh..
ReplyDeleteIya pin. Apalagi The Body Shop vegan produknya maximal banget hasilnya :)
DeleteBody wash emang bukan sekedar untuk membersihkan diri tapi juga bisa sebagai terapi untuk menyegarkan diri. Btw bodywash ini bisa didapat dimana dan dengan harga berapa?
ReplyDeleteDi toko2 atau di online shop bisa mba. Harga normal Idr. 149000. Tapi ini aku beli pas lagi diskon jadi lebih murah.
DeleteSalah satu keberuntungan bagi emak-emak. Bisa nemu skincare incaran harga diskon ya mbak. ^^
DeleteSounds so relaxing ya Mba! Belum pernah cobain aroma juniper atau peony, cuma doyan fragrance mango atau strawberry nya Bodyshop dan gak pernah ganti fragrance lain. Sukanya bau buah hehe
ReplyDeleteSelama hamil aku juga paling seneng mandi pake tbs body wash...kayaknya lebih bersih dan lbh harum aja gitu. Tp ku belom pernah cobain 2 varian ini. Coba nanti liat2 siapa tau masih diskon hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHow about the price? Is that expensive? I only use the soap with the price under Rp5k. But I wanna try it one day. Its look great for skin
ReplyDeleteAku pernah ditawarin sama mbak-mbak TBS waktu mau cari parfum. Sempat kepikiran mau beli biar refreshing pas mandi tapi belum kesampaian 😅
ReplyDeleteHarganya mahal di kantong ku mbk hehe. Tapi one day bakal nyobain biar bisa relax juga. Racun nih. Masukan wishlist dulu😍
ReplyDeleteKayaknya aku bakalan suka sama yang adriatic peoni deh. Emang wanginya tbs ini selalu menggoda kantong ya 😆
ReplyDeleteAku penasaran sama harganya, euy. Dilihat dari kualitasnya, aku ga yakin harganya murah. Hahaha. Aku langsung intip websitenya karena kepo. Ya ampuuun, £7 ternyata. Nabung dulu deh kalo gitu.
ReplyDeleteSelalu mikir berulang kali kalau mau purchase the body shop, apalagi kalau produk sabun yang habisnya cenderung cepet. Eh tapi ujung-ujungnya sering beli brand lain yang juga pricey. Mungkin next time aku bisa coba TBS ini nih, kayaknya wanginya enak-enak.
ReplyDeleteUdah ngincer ini dari kemarin-kemarin, agak ragu sama harganya. Soalnya masih mahasiswa, tapi kayaknya nabung dikit-dikit bisa nih.
ReplyDeleteAku baru tahu kalau Bodyshop ada body wash nya ugak. Kirain tydac, wangi2 nya rata2 emang enak ya mbak brand yg satu ini. Jadi pengen coba beli satu
ReplyDeleteEnaak dong, bisa SPA di rumah, lama lama gak masalah. The body shop emang bikin penasaran dan bakal hunting kalau lagi sale hehe 😅
ReplyDeleteHehe ritual body emang juara bikin relax. sama nih kayak cica, the body shop yang lagi sale slalu ditunggu.
ReplyDeletehaa ini jugaa samaa jugaa basa engris,, :(.. tapi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk kaum hawa.. :3
ReplyDeleteaku suka sabun tbs ini, harumnya rata2 menenangkan banget sih