Catrice Cosmetic, An Affordable Yet Exquisite Makeup For Every Beauty Lover

My Catrice Cosmetics Haul
Hi everyone hope you all are doing good. 
I went to mall last week and stopped right away at the cosmetic corners when my eyes catch Catrice Cosmetic makeup  finally here! Walked enthusiastically towards the new glam counter. Catrice cosmetic is one of drugstore makeup that I am so eagerly want to try. From what I found out from the Internet this brand is quite famous in Germany ( since It's from there ) , high quality products with very affordable price. I am so happy finally it's here.

Lucky me they still offered 20 until 30 % discount price for buying 2 you got 20 % discount and when you buy 3 you got 30 % off. I was like, Wow, I wanted to buy them all. But my husband nicely speaking to me, just buy what you need to and if your skin has no problem with it we will buy more. Orait then.

So I bought 6 items makeup product which I think I would use it for my daily makeup.

Catrice 3D Lash Multimizer Effect Mascara Waterproof.

This mascara is very good to build volume for your  eyelashes but is a little bit clumpy ( eventho from the back packaging said - clump free! moreover if you apply it too much like 3 coats of it. You actually just need 1 or 2 coats and it's enough to add volume for you eyes! I like the design of this mascara. It doesn't look cheap. And it's really black I love its quality.

Catrice The Modern Matt Collection Eyshadow Pallette 010 The Must Have Matts.

They have 9 different color which is so blendable-matt to create perfect eye makeup. It has 4 types of shade you need, highlighting shade, light to medium shade, dark shade and contouring!
Eventho the colors are not so intense (which is I like most in eyeshadow ) it s quite pigmented, long lasting and for me, better use finger to apply to easily put on. It s in powder texture but not powdery. Which means it's less fall out.

Lip Cushion
 Catrice Lip Cushion 010 Rather Be At Coachella

Say hello to Creamy-color-intense lip gloss! Yes, it's lip gloss and yes it's shiny and yesss its color is so pop out!  I love the texture, it's so subtle, it can cover my dark lips a little bit more. It is medium pigmentation

Its jumbo applicator doesn't leave any uncomfortable feeling whenever I use it. It's so smooth. You have to roll the bottom part of the pen to add the color onto the sponge.

The packaging is sleek. Don't question me how I love the packaging. Me super duper happy. It has avocado oil to moisturize the lips.

I choose this shade because the color is between peach and nude. It is my day-go-to color lips.  Perfecto!

Catrice Re-Touch Light-Reflecting Concealer -
020 Light Beige 

At first, I love the packaging ( seriously! ) It's sleek with silver color just so eye catchey fo me. It's pretty in my opinion.

Then when we go to its quality is not that super amazing. But still, it's medium coverage.

Just like you twist the bottom part of lip cushion pen you do the same thing to this concealer. Twist the bottom part and the product will appear from the little brush.

I am happy with the size of the brush because it's so easy to use. By using this brush I apply to the areas I want to and then easily blend it. By the way the texture is light creamy, and it's good for brightening the under eye area and covering up dark circles a little bit. It's medium coverage ladies and I think it's just fine to cover our imperfections on face.

Catrice Kohl Kajal 01 Ultra Black

I wont say a lot  about this product because I am soooo luvv it! It's super pigmented, it's so black and it's so soft. You wont feel any uncomfortable at the time you use it! It's really soft.

Best point is we can create true statement smokey eyes by using it! It's not expensive but the quality is on top. I will buy more colors from its kajal!

 Catrice All Matt Plus Shine Control Powder 015 Natural Beige
From the product description It's long lasting, ultra-fine, shine control powder with light reflecting pigments for a satin matt and even complexion. Suitable for every skin type. Dermatologically tested. Oil Free.

And once again, I am so pleased with the product. I am so luvvv it. It's smooth, silky, satin-matt-flawless finish. Oil free! It's long lasting all day. I really love this product. I am using my powder brush to apply it on my face. I love the texture. I really recommend this powder for you especially for anyone who has oily skin, you will love it! This powder will combat the oil on your face really well!

I am gonna buy some more products from Catrice Cosmetics because it's super duper affordable yet high quality and exquisite makeup products, for me it's all I need. They are so beautiful in colors, light to medium coverage which is okay for me and more important, almost all products in smooth and silky texture, I am so much in love with it.

Okay guys, hope you like this post and give you some kinda, as references for your beauty explorer.

I'll see you on my next post! Love you! 


  1. Beli dimana di mall Pku nya mbak?

    1. Di mall ska nan. Di citra plaza juga ada katanya.

  2. Sihiiiiiyy, mbaaa udah sering update yaaa sekaranggg.. :)
    ajarin mekaaap mbaaaa

    1. Alhamdulillah pin moodnya kepikiran mau nulis aja skrg hahahaha yuk pin sini sama2 belajar kita

  3. My goddd!!! What are those stuff? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  4. Replies
    1. Hahahahaha ntar gw cari bahan tulisan buat referensi cowok2 ya

  5. Wagelaseeeeehhh diduluinnnn ahhhh belikkk, dimana persisnya counternya makkk, katanya bronzernya ama blush on nya ajibbb

    1. Bangettt mak blush onnya aduhhh ku syuka cuma kmrn kan gak terbeli pulak. Nanti pas ke sana mau beli lagi wkwkwkwk

    2. Aku pernah pake highlighter catrice yang deluxe (isi 3 shade) itu warnanya super subtle, nyaris ga keliatan :( . Yang aku suka banget dari catrice , primer yang di jar. Super murah dan bagus ! Blush on nya yang oke yang mana mbaa? Aku lagi looking looking blush on nii :D

  6. Bunda ntar lg keknya jd MuA nih hahahaha

    1. Diaminin aja deh ya. Hahhaha bunda ga kepikiran mau jadi MUA gung cuma seneng tampil bagus aja hahahah seneng makeup aja because I love colors and makenya hahaha

  7. Yang catrice powder beneran long lasting mba? Tanpa touch up ulang?

    1. Touch up ada pas habis wudhu. Tapi dia tidak sesering kita touch up kayak pas aku pake pixy n revlon bebs. Aku jalan dari jam 10 sampe jam 5 sore settingan muka masih okay pake ini wkwkkk

  8. Kalo Kohl Kajal-nya kira-kira gampang smudging nggak ya? Aku biasanya sering lupa kalo lagi pake eyeliner hahaha ^^;

  9. Aku naksir banget sama esedownya warna natural banget. Btw salam kenal ya, aku blogger dari kota Dumai


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