The Simply Divine, The Body Shop, Spa Of The World, Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream, Firming Body Cream

Hi my beloved readers

Introducing you my recent favourite from The Body Shop, Spa Of The WorldTM series which is Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream. Yes, it's not new launched product, and everytime I go shopping at this store, never in my mind, ought to buy because for some reason, the price is quite pricey, yes it's very huge big size tub, 350ml or 343g from other body cream I use from this brand. 

But still spending 549000Idr for only one product is not I intend to do. Unexpectedly, I am impressed  with the benefit of this product. Please read all the post so you, my beloved readers, will find out why this Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream really amazing.

The Body Shop, Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream
Indeed if I want something very indulgance beauty product, The Body Shop is my only choice. I was entering the store, wanted to repurchase my powder, saw the product range, and a little bit I realize, "Let's give it a try" came through my mind. So, I bought it.

Based on The Body Shop Website This firming silky body cream is enriched with organic Ethiopian green coffee and helps skin feel firmer and smoother. It is hand-harvested from the beautiful Kaffa region, known around the world as ā€˜the home of coffeeā€™, where coffee drinking plays a huge part in traditional Ethiopian culture. Our silky soft cream, enriched with caffeine, known for its stimulating properties, effortlessly melts into the skin when massaged, leaving skin feeling firmer and smoother.
  • Effortlessly melts into skin when massaged to help skin feel firmer and smoother
  • Enriched with Ethiopian green coffee and Community Trade olive oil from Italy
  • 100% vegetarian
  • 86% agreed that skin looks and feels firmer (User trial on 100 women after 4 weeks
Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream Texture
I tried it out. And yes I lost my words, it's perfectly silky smooth body cream which melts perfectly effortlessly right away into my skin and the refreshing - rejuvenating scent last all day. It can get rid off your bad mood, because it smells so amazing. To die for1

And yes, based on the product claim above,  the richness formula left your skin smoother, firmer, and softer. It really works well on my skin. I am really in love with the product. I might try the other range of The Body Shop, Spa Of The WorldTM. You guys should try this too. I really recommend this body cream because the benefit for your skin is real. So real.

Have you tried this product? Let's share some thought ladie! Would love to hear from you.

See you on my next post. 


  1. Maak eeh... Ngeri cuy harganya....

    1. Iya mir. Jadinya mba hemat2 makenya wkwkwkkw

  2. Oh my, the price šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† I don't have much money to spend for a single product mbak eee. And this brand is not kind of product that I will purchase easily bahahahhahaaa. Tapi, teteup kalo one day ada duit belebih, aku pasti bakal beli satu produk yg udah aku incar dari brand ini mbak.

  3. Ini ternyata rahasia hlowingnya mba wulan ya. Waaaaaw, belum pernah coba, tapi bikin pengen nyobain banget deh. Tapi harganya itu yaaah. Hmm...

  4. Bukan main harganya yaah kak, tapi emangsih ada harga ada kualitas hahahah

  5. Halo salam kenal Mbak saya dr pekanbaru juga :) saya juga penyuka bodyshop tp blm pernah pakai produk ini, maybe next time, should save some money due to expensive price hehehe

  6. There are so many people who are confused or searching about the effects of Green Coffee for weight Loss. Losing weight can be incredibly difficult. For this reason, people have turned to all sorts of supplements in order to make things easier.
    Does green coffee really help in great weight loss?

  7. Mau backlink boleh engk nih check my website kesehatan

  8. Oh, ok. Now I know if there's a cream for firming our body. Is it something like scrub?


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