Feel The Long Lasting Fragrance, Marina Eau De Toilette
Hi all
It's a lovely evening here when I am updating my blog for you all. In this post, I am gonna share with you two beautiful eau de toilette products by one of my favorite national brand, Marina.
Here it is Marina Eau de Toilette Fresh Sparkle and Sweet Romance. Why do I choose these two? Because the fragrance is so attractive and I just love the design of this bottle. So cute.
And yes, Marina is one of the famous and loved by most of the girls and also the women in Indonesia. With a very affordable price but good quality, every product of it is so special. And you can find Marina products in almost every supermarket in Indonesia.
Now, let's talk about these two fragrances that I love.
Firstly, as I said, I love its packaging so much. It is fun, so girly, and beautiful. It's big, yes it's 150ml. But no need to worry because it's still handy to keep it inside your bag. The bottle cap is thigh so it's not gonna easy to spill out.
And secondly, It's very affordable. It's eau de toilette and on the bottle, it's said long-lasting fragrance. I am so happy because even though it's not lasting the whole day, but still it's EDT and EDT fragrance lasts for 2 or 3 hours after you spray it all over your body.
Marina EDT Fresh Sparkle
This fragrance is so light, fresh, cheerful and sweet at the same time. It's not too floral I can say because it smells a little bit musky in the end. This type of fragrance you can use for your daily basis. It's suitable for the modern active young ladies who are so active in and out of school or office. I recommend this fragrance for you.
Marina EDT Sweet Romance
This fragrance is too elegant. The aroma of the perfume is just like when you, after spa, getting dress, spray it all over your body and wear your expensive dress, high heels and pearl bracelet on your wrist and you head out of the door to have dinner with your loved one and here it is, this fragrance is so like this. So elegant, so princessy, sweet, feminine. The special moment will be more memorized if you use this kind of fragrance. So tempting but not seductive. I just love the sweetness of this fragrance.
I hope this post will give you a glimpse of what kind of fragrances that suitable for you and you can buy it at a very affordable price. It's around Idr. 28000 ( you can buy it more or less based on where you buy it ).
It's a lovely evening here when I am updating my blog for you all. In this post, I am gonna share with you two beautiful eau de toilette products by one of my favorite national brand, Marina.
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Marina Eau De Toilette |
And yes, Marina is one of the famous and loved by most of the girls and also the women in Indonesia. With a very affordable price but good quality, every product of it is so special. And you can find Marina products in almost every supermarket in Indonesia.
Now, let's talk about these two fragrances that I love.
Firstly, as I said, I love its packaging so much. It is fun, so girly, and beautiful. It's big, yes it's 150ml. But no need to worry because it's still handy to keep it inside your bag. The bottle cap is thigh so it's not gonna easy to spill out.
And secondly, It's very affordable. It's eau de toilette and on the bottle, it's said long-lasting fragrance. I am so happy because even though it's not lasting the whole day, but still it's EDT and EDT fragrance lasts for 2 or 3 hours after you spray it all over your body.
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Marina EDT Fresh Sparkle |
This fragrance is so light, fresh, cheerful and sweet at the same time. It's not too floral I can say because it smells a little bit musky in the end. This type of fragrance you can use for your daily basis. It's suitable for the modern active young ladies who are so active in and out of school or office. I recommend this fragrance for you.
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Marina EDT Sweet Romance |
This fragrance is too elegant. The aroma of the perfume is just like when you, after spa, getting dress, spray it all over your body and wear your expensive dress, high heels and pearl bracelet on your wrist and you head out of the door to have dinner with your loved one and here it is, this fragrance is so like this. So elegant, so princessy, sweet, feminine. The special moment will be more memorized if you use this kind of fragrance. So tempting but not seductive. I just love the sweetness of this fragrance.
I hope this post will give you a glimpse of what kind of fragrances that suitable for you and you can buy it at a very affordable price. It's around Idr. 28000 ( you can buy it more or less based on where you buy it ).
***See you on my next post***
We dont forget expect us
ReplyDeleteWow! The packaging’s quite eye catchy! So colorful! Havent heard about Marina fragrance before, instead of their famous lotion product ad on The Telly. Gobsmacked! The price’s so cheapo! I guess high school lads would love to use it! Especially the fresh one! I can see Kiwi and Lemon on it! Hehe
ReplyDeleteHahahaha me too, surprised!
DeleteHarganya murah ya, cuma 28ribu udh gitu tahan cukup lama sampai 2-3 jam. Not bad lah . Kayaknya yg fresh sparkle cucok utk aku
ReplyDeleteYesss mba
DeleteWow, it's make me wanna try as soon as possible. Hope the effect as good as the packaging
ReplyDeleteYes dear. Beli di supermarket2 terdekat ya :)
DeleteIt's suitable for the modern active young ladies who are so active in and out of school or office. Hmmm cocok nih buat aku yang kerjanya aktif kemana mana. Kemasannya cocok untuk masuk tas kerja dan dan harganya affordable
ReplyDeleteBe active dan tetep wangi seharian :)
DeleteBagus banget memang packakingnya ya mbk. Girly bangeeet. Belum pernah nyoba nih. Jadi penasaran. Harganya pun Alhamdulillah terjangkau ��
ReplyDeleteIya muthi. So girly emang. Thats why I love it
DeleteSerius ini edt ya? Murah banget harganya! Aku baru denger mba, tentang marina ini, langsung kepengen nyoba yang sweet romance biar kayak princess 😆
ReplyDeleteKalau aul nyobain udah kayak jadi ratuu :)
DeleteJadi ingat jaman SMP - SMA masih pakai Marina ini, ga mandi kesekolah yang penting guyur wangi dulu..wkwkwk
ReplyDeleteKu sampai skrg masih suka beli produk2 dari Marina. Bagus2 dan wangiii
DeleteAku baru tahu nih, Marina punya produk parfum juga. Taunya cuma body lotion aja. Duh, kemana aja selama ini. Hihi. Harganya pun terjangkau, ya. Cuss, deh. Aku mau beli juga, rugi kalau ga nyoba
ReplyDeleteCusss shopping Marina
DeleteWah, aku baru tahu kalau Marina punya produk EDT juga. Dari packagingnya, apa aku aja yang merasa kayak ramai dan penuh gitu. Tapi aku tertarik deh coba yang Fresh Sparkle, kayaknya kok wanginya menarik.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, aku suka deh gimana Kak Wulan deskripsiin wangi dua parfum ini. Detil dan bikin kita ngebayangin wanginya kayak gimana. ��
Aww thanks for the compliment bebs. :)
DeleteHarganya bersahabat banget ya mbak, baru tahu loh marina ada produk parfumnya. Kayaknya kalau ketemu maulah coba beli dan pakainya.
ReplyDeleteIya ini aku malah pengen nyobain yang lainnya. Gemes ama packagingnya yang mewah.
DeleteSerius, saya laki-laki nggak terlalu paham masalah produk kecantikan seperti ini. Tapi, saya punya kakak perempuan yang pakai produk dari Marina, tapi yang saya tau cuman produknya itu body lotion aja hehe, ternyata ada parfum juga ya, keren. Dan harganya bersahabat juga.
ReplyDeleteIya. Marina sekarang udah expand produknya ke perfume, body wash dan lainnya. So happy to know that this brand growing so much.
DeleteSerius sebagus itu mbak? Wah jadi pengen coba, soalnya jarang cocok sama beberapa produk parfum. Dan aku juga ga terlalu suka yg girly2 banget wanginya. Ini kayanya bisa jadi koleksi juga sih, biar bisa gonta-ganti wewangian sesuai mood.
ReplyDeleteCantik banget mmg packagingnya thri taruh di vanity jadi gemesin gitu hahahahahah
DeleteMbaa ee, very informative syekali. Aku baca aja udah ngebayangin gimana produk Marina nya, setelah baca malah pengen coba. Uwuu u best lah ��
ReplyDeleteThank you cica.
DeleteYAAA.. Thats good news for me.
ReplyDeleteSebagai pecinta wewangian selalu nyari referensi wewangian baru yang bisa dibeli. Makasih ya kak rekomendasinya.
Sama2 mel. Mel dengan jam terbang yang butuh bisa nyobain edt ini. Wangi banget
Delete"This fragrance is so light, fresh, cheerful and sweet at the same time." Hhmmm.... I wonder, does this perfume suit for man?
ReplyDeleteYep I think so. Just try it Mir :)
Deletemak mak walopun ini basa inggris tapi informasinya sangat bermanfaat mbak wulann.. semangat!
ReplyDeletewah marina makin berkembang aja ya, ini salah satu produk zaman remaja bangettt
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