Grand Tjokro Hotel Pekanbaru, When Luxury and Culture Indulge

So, it was on Saturday morning, 23rd September 2017, I attended Pekanbaru Blogger Gathering hosted by Grand Tjokro Hotel Pekanbaru Management. Grand Tjokro Hotel is well known as the three stars prestigious hotel in Pekanbaru. It's located on Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 51 Pekanbaru, Riau.

The Invitation looks like this šŸ’—

When I walked in, I can feel the homey-warm-classy hotel and when I look around I felt the touch of Java is so deep. It's from some Wayangs ( traditional puppet from Java ) hanging around the wall, the smell of Jamu ( Indonesian Herbal Drinks ) all around the corner.
It's so Cultured. And the aromatherapy indulges.
The smell of Java
They have Jamu and Gudeg served here

Restaurant of the hotel

I was so excited to meet 14 others bloggers. The gathering was quit simple but warm and welcomed. We had breakfast there, and talked. Well, because It's my first time coming to blogger gathering, a little bit awkward but I enjoyed it.
We were greeted by friendly-beautiful manager assistant, Mba Vanda. She's the one in charge for the gathering. She also would escort us for Hotel Tour ( rooms showing and everything ) and also explained detailed about each room's supposed to be.
She explained also they have surprises in every hallway, they put rolling paper with numbers in it. If we're lucky they have door prizes. Amazingly the door prizes were complimentary stay and dinner/lunch vouchers. Yeayy
 Before we began the tour, Mr. Rinaldi as DOS ( Director of sales ) approached us, joined us, and introduced the history of the hotel. He said Grand Tjokro Hotel is owned by successful businessman Bapak Tjokro Adi Hidayat. Recently there are 7 hotels of Grand Tjokro in Indonesia. They are in Jakarta, Bandung, Klaten, Pekanbaru and 2 hotels in Yogyakarta.
He also explained proudly that for 3 hotels are rated as 3 star hotels and 4 as 4 star hotels. Wow, it's impressive.  He added the hotel is supervised by SAS Hospitality ( you can read my post about SAS Hospitality here ).
Mr. Rinaldi
I always start with Tea ( most of the time with coffee )
Okay so the tour began.
We started from 1st floor where they had all their meeting rooms in 1st floor and Kids Corner. It's so entertaining when you stay in a hotel that has kids corner. I've been staying in almost hotel in Pekanbaru and I'd just known this hotel has a fun place where kids can play.

They named each room with some regencies in Riau like Bengkalis, Indragiri, Pelalawan and Kampar.
From what I see, each room is very comfortable and compact for meeting. Not too much lighting.
Bengkalis meeting room front door

The meeting room

For the rooms, Grand Tjokro Hotel Pekanbaru has 3 types of the room. Superior, deluxe and executive. Well, it's not so fancy I think except they have carpets for all rooms and of course it makes the room more comfortable and just different from other hotels in Pekanbaru.
I love the concept they bring. It's professional hotel services with real Indonesian warmth. Yes, I definitely can feel the touch of Indonesian in every corner of hotel. Because they put Indonesian paintings on the wall, for every hallway.
One of the painting on the wall
From my point of view, especially for Executive rooms are not that big, unlike executive rooms from other hotel. But, trust me, if you stay here, you can't get enough of it. The management make sure the guest will feel heavenly stay in hotel. The rooms are designed very homey and comfortable. The services are excellent here I assure you. You can make your tea or coffee in your room, you can watch tv with large LED tv and enjoy random channels from cable tv. Hair dryer is available too.
Executive room

We went upstairs to ballrooms. When we're there, there's an occasion going on. So, pardon me if the picture of ballroom is not that much as you expected.
Indra Pura Ballroom

Well, the tour ended here. So far, I enjoyed the tour and once again, I really felt the luxury they offered including the touch of culture of Indonesia. From the foods, the lounge, the walls, the interiors, everything in this hotel is very modern and so Indonesia.

Okay so before we went home, we gathered again and had small talk, sharing ideas.And of course Mr. Rinaldi and Mba Vanda, as promise, informed us who would get the prizes.
So we opened our rolling paper, honestly, Andrew, one of my blogger friend gave the paper to me. Because he found two, so he gave one to me. Thanks Andrew.
And hell yeahhh, I won one of the prizes. It's Lunch/Dinner Voucher. ( I'll write other post about it šŸ˜ƒ )
Yeayy lucky number

Cookies cookies šŸ˜ƒ
Time to go home. Oh yeah, I didn't get any chance to take a picture of hotel building so here it is the picture of the hotel I got from their Instagram. Don't forget to follow their instagram and other social media guys.

Source : Instagram tjokrohotelpekanbaru 

Thanks for the warm welcomes and the tour for today Mr. Rinaldi. Hope the hotel will be one of prestigious and  best hotel in Pekanbaru and of course in Indonesia.
Bloggers and Hotel Management

I'll see you on my next post guys!
Thank you!


  1. Sadeeeessss mba wulaan.. full english ternyata blog nya...
    aku baca satu paragraf aja deh ya.itu pun udah sukur. Hahahaha..
    sukses mba wulan

  2. Hahahaha makasih Icah. Sukses juga buat Icah.

  3. Too bad. I forgot to get in Indra Pura Ballroom. It's all is because of Risah. She asked me to snap some photos of her holding some flowers beside the Ballroom door. Hey, Risa. You've got to be responsible. Hehee,.. padahal awak memang mau foto2 juga dekat bunga tu.

    1. Hahaha but all your pictures are good. Aku cuma make kamera handphone.

    2. Samaaaaa.... aku kamera handphone juga.

    3. heeeee abang sama kak risah enak sempat pepotoan disana, vina pas mau poto disana eh dah turun lagii..

      sumpah, impian vina kali bisa posting full bahasa inggris ni. ada buka lowongan murid yang udah lanjut usia ndak kak?

      betewe, mangats kakk~~

    4. Sini2 mba ajarin wkwkwkkw semangat juga sayang!

  4. Wuihh.. I dunno how to comment in this article.. My english just enough for Make some people confuse for what i said.. :(

  5. I almost split my tongue for reading it. Untung aja bacanya dalam hati hahahahaaa. Hooaahh you've got that Ballroom picture, lucky you are. Aku udah males duluan karena panitianya pada judes2 ngahahaha

    1. Hahaahaha aku suka cuek aja ama orang Thri jadi kmrn gak lihat2 kiri kanan ada panitia wkwkwkwk masuk aja toh kita nggak berisik kok hahah

  6. Honestly, your post's lil bit slapping me. Feeling so embarrassed that I'm never brave enough to write in English version :')

    Back to the topic, Lucky you kak, I didn't know that you guys entered that room. hahaha. So I didn't have any photo there haha.

    1. Hahahah tulis aja. Soalnya kita juga pengen menarik hati readers dari luar negeri kan ca. hahaah #pedeajagituh


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