My Kinda Breakfast


I am a breakfast person! Yes , I am.
Before I start my day, eating breakfast for me is important. Usually after I do my praying ( Sholat Subuh ) I'll make my breakfast.

Most of the time,these are my most kind of breakfast ๐Ÿ˜‹

Papaya Juice 

My fave juice before I start my day is Papaya Juice.
Sometimes I mix it with Kiwi or Tomato or Avocado.
It's a kick to have fresh morning.
Anyway I usually cut papaya in the night then keep it in a container, put in the freezer. So when I wake up, it's easy for me to blend them all. It's fresh. And healthy of course.

Who doesn't like omelette for breakfast and sometimes for lunch and dinner. Because it's easy.
You can add like kale, beef, sausages for your omelette like I do.
You could fry with margarine and it'll look better. The taste is tastier and more crunchy. ๐Ÿ˜€

 Till my next post guys.


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