Weekend fun post : My Updating Shower Routine

Hi Everyone
Hope you all doing fine

Lately i am surprised to find my self actively make postings
I have loved writing since i was in primary school
moreover what i have written is very rich in information about beauty products that i have been using to
I am not a professional make-up artists or Beauty adviser to review perfectly about beauty products
But what i am sharing here is based on my experiences using the products.

Okay for this post, i want to show you my updating shower routine
I have written slightly post about my shower routine, what product i used in last year
and now, i want to share with all my readers what products i am using lately

I love their smells

How many of you love Rose scents? Raise your hands! I do love Rose scent. Especially when it comes to my shower gel, i'd love to use it in the evening after i am home from work.
Here's Palmolive Aromatherapy Sensual. With Moroccan Rose flower oil, it gives calm and sexy feelings. Plus it makes your skin felling so soft and smells good. It contains Ginseng extract which is very natural for your body.
Dove go fresh nourishing body wash is very good product. I am using this every morning. It's very gentle and nourishing my skin. It contains Pomegranate extract and lemon verbena scent. Enrich with NutriumMoistureĀ® which is proven to hydrate and nourish skin deep down and maintain healthy and beauty skin. The formula is very mild, it leaves soft and smooth feeling. I love this one.
For my hair, i've been using collections of Rejoin Soft and Smooth. 
With Papaya extract it soften my hair. I am wearing hijab. and one of the problem for Hijabellas is finding the right shampoo. Because we covers our hair. and sometimes it makes hair fall and the head does fell the heat. Do you guys feel the same like i feel? If you do, try this one. It works well for my head and hair. It soften, smooth and i do not feel the heat of my head. For shower routine, i am using both shampoo and conditioner. Conditioner helps to maintain our beauty hair. Your hair wont go like Lion Hair or chicken floss ( eeh? ). 
and for treatment, use the creambath cream once a week. It will make your hair soften more. and no more bad hair day! Treat your hair as well as your treat your skin body.

And the last one is my anti acne Shinzu'i face lightening wash. It's very good one. It moisturizes and brightens the skin, this facial soap also removes pimples on the skin.
Natural ingredient in this facial soap is Japanese kihada extract, herbal matsu oilTM  and sakura flower extract.
Japanese kihada extract helps to overcome acne skin so smooth, healthy and moist

Herba Matsu OilTM makes skin look brighter.
and extra Sakura flower helps the regeneration of the skin so that the skin is not looking dull.

Okay guys, i hope you enjoy reading my post. and I'll see you soon on my other post. 

Have  a good day everyone. 


  1. aku juga pakai palmolive tapi yang unggu ;)

    1. Waah ^_^ entar aku coba juga deh wangi banget kemaren pas nyium di supermarket hahhaha

  2. Keliatannya perlu tuh di coba beb...........


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